10 November 2023, Johannesburg. This month, the Federated Employers Mutual Assurance Company (Rf) (Pty) Ltd (FEM) will heighten awareness around workplace health and safety through their ongoing Zero Is No Accident campaign. FEM is a mutual insurer that provides workmen’s compensation cover to the construction industry. The Zero Is No Accident initiative, initially launched in April 2022, seeks to educate and mobilise employers and employees to improve workplace health and safety and reduce accidents, while enabling full COIDA compliance in the construction industry.

FEM’s 2022 statistics (extracted as of June 2023), based on claims received from insured employers in the construction industry, show 6 157 reported accidents for the year. Of these 6 157 reported accidents, 581 incidents resulted in the worker being permanently disabled, and 48 resulted in tragic loss of life. These accidents and illnesses have far-reaching implications that affect employees’ families, friends, colleagues and respective employers.

In reality, the majority of these incidents are preventable. The Zero Is No Accident campaign emphasizes that achieving the goal of zero workplace accidents requires the commitment of both employers and employees. Through efforts such as increased training, safety measures and adherence to rules and regulations, workplace accidents can be prevented – saving lives and livelihoods.

The Zero Is No Accident campaign is part of FEM’s commitment to championing better occupational health and safety within the construction industry, and beyond. Since its inception, the national campaign has been successful in raising both employer and employee awareness and dedication to improving workplace safety. From November this year, extending into the first quarter of 2024, FEM will intensify messaging and content aimed at further impact, reach and positive outcomes when it comes to changing perceptions and actions around occupational health and safety. This includes connecting with employers and workers through out-of-home channels (such as billboards and taxi-rank locations), local radio platforms, online channels; and more.

FEM CEO Ndivhuwo Manyonga believes that every accident is preventable, and awareness campaigns such as the Zero Is No Accident initiative are invaluable in reducing the unacceptably high rate of on-the-job accidents. “Helping both employers and employees to understand the root causes of accidents and the far-reaching implications they result in goes a long way when it comes to changing thinking and actions. The more informed and mindful people are, the higher the chance of them making positive decisions and creating a safer work environment.”

To find out more, visit: https://zeroisnoaccident.co.za/.

About The Federated Employers Mutual Assurance Company (RF) (Pty) Ltd (FEM)

The Federated Employers Mutual Assurance Company (RF) (Pty) Ltd (FEM) is a mutual insurer that provides Workmen’s Compensation Cover to the construction industry in terms of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 1993 (COIDA). FEM was established as a mutual insurer in 1936 and, on the introduction of the Workmen’s Compensation Act 1941, was granted a license to continue to transact workmen’s compensation insurance for the construction industry.

FEM business operations are essentially confined to the insurance of employers against their liabilities under COIDA, and related Regulations. For more information, visit: www.fem.co.za

Media Contact:

Name: Ms. Nompumelelo Mngqibisa (1Africa Consulting – Communications Agency)

Contact Number: +27 10 824 5611

Email: nompumelelo@1africaconsulting.co.za


FEM’s Benefits Include:

  • Any medical costs related to the accident are covered.
  • Valid Letter of Good Standing for entrance to sites as well as tender applications.
  • Access to private healthcare for injured employees.
  • All administration is done by FEM which includes requesting all reports.
  • Online submission of claims documentation which helps speed up processing allowing for quick response
  • Merit rebates paid on favourable claims experience.

In addition, FEM has long-established relationships with an extensive list of private hospital groups as well as qualified professional nurses who monitor treatment to ensure it is in line with the injury, eliminating over-servicing. Accident statistics are also available on-line to assist employees in reducing risk. FEM also lodges Road Accident Fund claims for Motor Vehicle accidents on the employer’s behalf.

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