Work-Related Motor Vehicle Accidents: Occupational Hazard or Preventable Danger?
Injuries and fatalities from motor vehicle accidents on South African roads are a national crisis. According to a 2023 State of Road Safety in South Africa report by the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC), there were 11 883 road user fatalities in 2023. Causes of these tragic accidents include speeding, the use of alcohol, distractions, recklessness and other safety-related issues. 45% of the recorded fatalities were pedestrian-related, arising from both driver and pedestrian-based causes. These motor vehicle accident statistics also include work-related accidents caused by workers who operate vehicles as part of their jobs, as well as workers who are injured or killed by vehicles while conducting their jobs (such as contractors working on the side of a road).
Work-Related Motor Vehicle Accidents: Occupational Hazard or Preventable Danger? Read More »